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Monday, August 8, 2011

Turning one year old as a mommy!

On the 15th of Aug i will turn one year old mommy. Shresthu is growing fast...she has her own pair of shoes now!!! dosen need mum's lap anymore.
She started walking holding onto the hands of her father and taking un-coordinated steps.
Later it was the baby-walker gifted to her by her aunt (thank god!)
Using furniture as support to take sideways steps was her next step and then letting go of the furniture and falling down .
She fumbles at hurdles, slips and falls and yet she has the drive to stand up and walk again.....she even gives me a look stating "mommy i can take care of myself am fine" .
The ability to explore, experiment, and make mistakes is an essential part of the creative process and thats what we as adults loose since, as we grow old our ways of thinking harden, and we start making decisions on what we know works.
Shrestha wishing you a happy birthday on turning One !!